"Untitled poetry collection 2020" by Sam (twitter). This is "a collection of poems about various and random things". They've never written poetry for themself before, and are using this live document (meaning it will be updated over the course of the entire jam) to hopefully walk away with 15 or so poems by the end of it. There are presently only two poems up, but I've liked them and the design of the chapbook so far. The pages are colored and really have a relationship between nature, bugs, and texture at the moment. I'm really excited to watch this one evolve over the course of the jam and to see what they do with it!
[not quoting this one as it is live and thus I've no idea what the quote should be at this moment].
i really like what you’ve done so far and i’m excited to read more of it.
the poem “So, I’m lucky, I think?” kind of killed me – all of it kind of killed me but esp. the part that goes “I know how to be a lazy daughter./I know they do not know how to have/a lazy daughter who is not” – i can see my own family in it.
i also like your visuals; i don’t know what kind of art style/form they are, but i feel like the use of negative space/whatever it’s called when picture looks like a photo negative without being a photo negative lends a sort of flip-flopped feel to it. the feeling of being in an in-between stage/in a very strange time.
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"Untitled poetry collection 2020" by Sam (twitter). This is "a collection of poems about various and random things". They've never written poetry for themself before, and are using this live document (meaning it will be updated over the course of the entire jam) to hopefully walk away with 15 or so poems by the end of it. There are presently only two poems up, but I've liked them and the design of the chapbook so far. The pages are colored and really have a relationship between nature, bugs, and texture at the moment. I'm really excited to watch this one evolve over the course of the jam and to see what they do with it!
[not quoting this one as it is live and thus I've no idea what the quote should be at this moment].
i really like what you’ve done so far and i’m excited to read more of it.
the poem “So, I’m lucky, I think?” kind of killed me – all of it kind of killed me but esp. the part that goes “I know how to be a lazy daughter./I know they do not know how to have/a lazy daughter who is not” – i can see my own family in it.
i also like your visuals; i don’t know what kind of art style/form they are, but i feel like the use of negative space/whatever it’s called when picture looks like a photo negative without being a photo negative lends a sort of flip-flopped feel to it. the feeling of being in an in-between stage/in a very strange time.
Thank you so much!!